- All chapters provide an emphasis on outcome studies and evidence-based practice and include the latest research for the concepts presented.
- Numerous charts, table and algorithms summarize and visually portray concepts covered in the chapters to provide additional information for clinical decision making.
- Chapters are written by well-known contributors, including some of the best-known physical therapists practicing in the field today.
- Provides important information on topics covered in the orthopedic specialty exam.
- Includes detailed information relevant to making an accurate shoulder assessment as well as the most common shoulder disorders
- A comprehensive, heavily illustrated new chapter on orthopedic radiology provides a quick review on reading and interpreting radiographs of common orthopedic conditions.
- A new differential diagnosis chapter describes the process and the purpose of differential diagnosis for physical therapists who are practicing without referral and who need to expand their knowledge of medical problems that mimic musculoskeletal disease.
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